Who we are

The Kentucky Coalition for Healthy Children is a space for a diverse group of committed organizations to share expertise and information, identify and promote policy priorities, best practices and programs, organize campaigns, and mobilize advocacy efforts.

  • Mission

    To work collaboratively on policies and practices in and around schools that promote equity and improve the physical, social and emotional health and well-being of children, youth and families.

  • Vision

    All children and youth in Kentucky are healthy, safe, and engaged, with opportunities to develop their full potential.

Our Work

The health and wellness of children and youth will be the driving force for a healthier Kentucky. To raise the Commonwealth from its current place as one of the unhealthiest states in the nation, it is necessary to work collectively to promote policies and practices that will lead to the attainment of the optimal physical, mental, and social health and wellbeing for all children and youth in Kentucky.

Childhood is a critical time to set a path for each person’s future and attention to children’s social, emotional, behavioral and physical development, along with early identification and responses to health-threatening conditions, will lead to improved health.

The Kentucky Coalition for Healthy Children has established as a coalition to work in the school setting in recognition of the fact that this setting strongly impacts behavior and plays a critical role in the development and support of children as they grow and learn.

Because children and youth spend a large portion of their lives in schools during ages when there are critical and rapid changes in their brains and bodies, this is a setting in which both health and education outcomes can be achieved. Schools also offer a setting to address health and education inequities and offer children and youth the opportunity to foster their strengths, resiliency, and potential.

It is our intention that the Coalition be a space for advocacy organizations and community members to share expertise and information, identify and promote policy priorities and programs, organize campaigns, and mobilize advocacy efforts with the goal of improving the health and well-being of children and youth.


Policy & Advocacy

School Programs & Practices